I know you want to grow
You want to be better than you were
But let me remind you:
Growth is never about going it alone
You can't force a flower
You can't make it grow faster
And you can't do that to yourself
Just like healing, growth is a process
"He who began a good work in you will complete it..." Don't allow yourself to be defeated
If you haven't bloomed all the way,
be patient and have faith
Flowers don't grow in a day
-KBT original
GROWTH. This has been my word for 2021. Spiritual growth is something I have been trying to focus on more. It takes a changed heart to experience this kind of growth. You see, change is not always for the better, but it is what you learn and take away from it that allows you to grow as an individual.
"Change is inevitable, but growth is optional."
How you approach change in your life will be your defining moment.
Philippians 1:6-being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Chris
Growth doesn't come all at once. It is a process. A good work begins, but it takes time to be completed.
A flower changes form as it experiences growth. It begins as a seedling, then it sprouts a few leaves, After exposure to the sun and water intake, it begins to grow more. Finally, the seed blooms into what it is supposed to be: a beautiful flower. Although some forms were not as beautiful as the latter, the flower experienced growth in each stage. The flower may die after its season, but then it will grow back. It might get stepped on a few times, but it won't stay wilted. The flower may lose a few leaves, but that won't stunt its growth. Just like a flower, people often change form as they experience growth. It might start small, but over time, you will begin to see positive changes in someone's life. A person who wants growth will become bold about it. If you want growth, you will be actively seeking for ways to become different than you were before. You will look for opportunities that push you out of your comfort zone. People who want to grow will also find people who want to pull them back to where they used to be. Growth is a process, but not always an easy one. When I was a child, I remember waking up in the middle of the night with my legs aching. My parents would say, "it's just growing pains." Eventually I got taller and developed how I was supposed to, but first, I had to experience those growing pains. Growth isn't always pretty and it doesn't always feel good, but it will help you develop into what you are supposed to become.
You don't plant a seed and then leave it alone to fend for itself. It can't grow that way. Just like you don't leave a plant alone, God won't leave you alone while you are seeking growth. There will be growing pains that come along with your bold faith but it will be worth it. Your outlook on life may begin to shift. Your beliefs may change form. Your priorities may not be the same as they once were. God will begin to take root in your heart and He will become the source of your growth. Digging deeper into serving Jesus will ground your faith. Digging deeper into Scripture will bring wisdom. Digging deeper into worship will bring victory. Digging deeper into prayer will bring power. So why do we end up stopping short of what God has for us? There are many times people start to grow, then stop just as soon as they get started.
Unfortunately, people often find themselves stuck in the same mindset, same place, and same habits because they are afraid of growth. Change is scary, but it allows you to grow in a beautiful way. Not only do people become afraid, they allow circumstances around them to stunt their growth.
Inward growth should not be dependent on external circumstances. If you place your idea of growth in outward appearances, situations and people, you will stop short of the true spiritual growth God has for you. You have to decide if you are ready for this kind of growth because it is going to come with its own set of challenges. And should you decide you are ready, this could be your moment to step out of the same place you've been stuck in.
It's exhausting when you stay in one place for too long. If you sit on the couch for too long, your body might become numb. It's the same way in life. You become numb and complacent where you are. It's not doing you any good to stay there. So get up from where you are and move forward in your life.
You can't grow when you stay in your comfort zone. It's going to take some boldness, courage, and faith on your part. Let God do the rest. In the end, there is no greater growth than the growth that God produces inside of us. The change that takes place when we become free from sin, born again, Christians. The weight that is lifted from us when Jesus steps in. The freedom and fullness in Christ. What better way to grow is there than to grow in your relationship with Christ?
Hard times will come, as they always do. It is what you choose to do in those times, and who you choose to place your faith in, that will determine if you grow through what you go through...or if you let yourself die to your circumstances. Do not allow yourself to be deterred. Let God lead the charge so that spiritual growth becomes your priority. And if you don't feel like you have reached the growth you've been hoping for, don't stop now. It may take longer than you expected, but the end result will be greater than you could've ever dreamed. If I know anything about God, it's that His ways are always better than ours.
Have faith and let this be your season to grow.