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In Every Season, Jesus is the Reason

Kendra Templeton

When we think of Easter, we all have our own perception of what it means to us. Of course, there are traditional ways of celebrating Easter which we are not able to take part in this year: No Sunday Service (in the traditional sense), church dinners, or Easter egg hunts. However you normally celebrate Easter, this year is different than any other year. I don't think that should hinder us from celebrating. In fact, we should celebrate that much more to let the devil know, we still believe in a Risen Savior! Because He lives, we can face tomorrow, although we are unsure of what tomorrow holds.

As I have been reading Matthew 26-28 this weekend, I stopped to really ponder what each chapter revealed about Jesus and His character. Here is what I found:

Chapter 26:

1. Jesus blesses those who give Him their best. A woman poured out precious ointment on Jesus' head. No one seemed to understand why she would waste her precious ointment like that, except Jesus. He blessed her because she gave Him her best and she was one of the few people who honored Him before His death.

2. Jesus was both man and God. When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, he petitioned His father that if He did not have to go to the cross, He would rather not(flesh). However, He acknowledged that God's will was what He wanted, not His own(spirit).

3. Jesus loves even when we turn our backs on Him. When Judas came to Jesus to betray Him, Jesus greeted Him as "Friend." Jesus could have condemned Judas right then and there, but He didn't. I think He was trying to prove to Judas that He still loved him until the end.

Chapter 27:

1. Jesus was quiet and humble. He did not seek recognition for the miracles He had performed-the number of people He had healed, risen from the dead, cast out devils from. When asked to respond to the accusations against Him, He didn't answer a word. Although He easily could have, Jesus never once tried to defend Himself.

2. Jesus felt the pain...every single moment from the cross to the grave. He felt not just the physical pain, but also the emotional pain of the crucifixion. He felt betrayed by His friends, forsaken by His father, humiliated by the soldiers, and persecuted by those who once followed Him.

3. Jesus is Powerful! When He gave up the ghost, the veil was torn, the earth trembled, rocks split into pieces, and saints arose from the grave. Not only that, but everyone who had been a part of His death said, "Truly this was the Son of God."

Chapter 28:

1. Jesus is a Risen Savior!

2. Jesus kept His word/promise.

(Matthew 26:6-He is not here: for He is risen, as He said...)

3. He didn't want His followers to be afraid.

4. Jesus wants us to teach others about Him. This was His final command to His disciples before He ascended into Heaven.

5. Although He ascended into Heaven, He promised He would ALWAYS be with us on earth.

Wow. What a beautifully written story. Only it's not just a story. It's a TRUE story. Jesus is alive and He still lives in us as Christians. No matter how we view or celebrate this Easter holiday, let us not forget that Jesus is the reason.

He is the reason we have life.

He is the reason we are free.

He is the reason we are safe.

He is the reason we have joy.

He is the reason we have peace.

He is the reason we are loved.

He is the reason we keep believing.

He is the reason we live.

We can feel Him anywhere and anytime.

I know this hasn't been an easy year for anyone. 2020 will be a year we never forget. We are living in uncertain times. This is a season we are living in and this too shall pass.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

We can take what we know about Jesus and apply it to our daily lives. He blesses us more than we deserve. He loves us, no matter how much we fail Him. There is power in His name. He feels our pain and He will heal us. Jesus keeps His promises. His Word is true and we can stand on it. We can have full confidence and know that He hath made everything beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Whether you are on the mountain or in the valley, I hope and pray you will remember...

In every season, His love is the reason.

Happy Easter!


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