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Fullness of God

Kendra Templeton


Life sucked out of you

You think no one knows what you're going through

At times you think they see right through your poker face

And other times, it's like you're invisible to the world

Dodging bullets from the past

That keep coming back

Fear grips your heart

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no one to trust

With the hurt bottled up inside

Want to kick and scream

Get as far away as you can

Because you're empty and no one sees

Searching for a little meaning, the purpose behind it all...

Anger takes over and you don't hear love's call

Your spirit's bone dry and you're wondering why

You've been left on empty for so long

You feel hypnotized, like your future's been jeopardized

Hoping someday you'll find fulness

But for now you're empty, lost and empty

Keep your game face on so they don't see

Fill up just enough so they don't recognize, you're empty

-KBT original

How long has it been since you stopped to refuel? You've been going and going, trying your best to get everything done. The truth is, there is never enough time in a day or week to accomplish everything you hope to do. But you keep running. Keep going. Keep giving. Keep loving. Pretty soon, you've given so much or have allowed people to take so much from you, that you realize you have become empty. You neglected the one thing that was most important in your life: your relationship with Jesus. Now, the life has been sucked out of you and you're suffering the consequences. You thought you were doing great just because you were DOING so much. "Doing all the stuff" does not make you a good person and it does not give you a better relationship with Christ. You can burn yourself out to the point that your spiritual life is bone dry. At this point, what do you do? The Scriptures give some insight on where to go next..

Ephesians 3:19-And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Sometimes you can be empty because you are so full of other things. Maybe you have filled your life with a relationship, your job, alcohol, or social media. If you allow the world to fill your life, you still come up empty. There will always be a void in the human heart that only God can fill completely. You might have a sense of fulfillment because you are doing great at your job or you are in, what you consider, a great relationship. However, those things cannot truly satisfy long term. Jesus is the only thing, the only person, who can completely and totally fill the emptiness inside.

When God is taken out of the equation, you become an empty, lifeless person/Christian. However, when you go back to your first love and realize who created you, you can walk in all the fulness of God. Instead of dumping out everything you have and giving for other means, pour out your heart to God. This is the time for you to be filled up. Maybe you've been knocked down a few times and the trials have left you on empty. Child of God, it's time to rise up and get filled up by Jesus. You're not at your best when you're running on empty. Thankfully, there is someone who has a well of living water where you can go to fill up. Like the woman at the well, your life will never be the same when you drink of the living water Jesus Christ has to offer you. So if you're feeling empty, just come to the well. Fill up on the love of Jesus and you will never thirst again. I can't promise your life will never again feel empty, but you can be filled with all the fulness of God.

Ephesians 3:18 says, to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height. When you are calculating the volume of an object, you look at length, width, and height and multiply those measurements to find the total volume. Jesus gave His life for you so that He could fill you up completely. Not just one part of you. He wants the whole volume of your life so that He can fill you up to overflowing with His love for you. How awesome is that? You can serve a God who loves you so much that He doesn't want to share. He wants all of you. Are you tired of feeling empty? My prayer for you is that you can be filled with all the fulness of God.

The world will try, but it can never fill. Just leave it all behind and come to the well.


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