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Step Outside

Kendra Templeton

Comfort zones: spaces where we feel safe, comfortable and complete in who we are.

Outside the box: spaces where we feel endangered, uncomfortable, and lost because of what we are not.

Sometimes we aren't used by God because we are too afraid to step outside our comfort zones. The unknown is scary. It’s uncomfortable. It feels dangerous and we feel lost because we suddenly realize all the things we are not instead of what we are. Living life inside your comfort zone seems like a great idea...except it doesn’t leave much, if any, room for growth. The only way to improve yourself is to step outside the box. People may say it is a lack of faith that keeps us from wandering outside our comfort zones, but the truth is it takes faith to stay inside.

Think about this: when you stay inside your comfort zone, you have to trust that you’re going to be safe, comfortable, and complete and that nothing will ever change. Unfortunately, change is inevitable. For those of you who don’t like change, here’s a little reality check! Don’t worry, you’re not the only one! It takes a whole lot of faith for us to believe that our comfort zones will always exist and be just that. At some point in time, circumstances will crowd your comfort zone and it won’t be a pretty sight to see. Because you believed so strongly in your comfort zone, you will be knocked down when it is crowded.

This is why it is more effective to focus your faith outside of the box. It takes a whole lot of faith to stay inside; it takes faith to step outside too. Which one do you focus your faith on? When you become willing to step outside, amazing things will happen. Comfort zones are a controlled environment. If you’re always sitting in your comfort zone, God won’t be able to use you there. Outside the box is an unknown environment. It is the test of your faith because you let go of the control you cling to and allow God to take control. Step outside the box and let God begin to use you. It won’t be easy. It won’t be comfortable. You will be scared. You’ll more than likely feel lost and alone. But what a reward there will be for stepping outside!

If David had not taken those stones and faced Goliath, there wouldn’t have been a giant defeated. If Jochebed had not sent Moses down the river, there wouldn’t have been a people freed. If Esther had not gone before the king uninvited, then the Jews would not have been spared. If Peter had not laid down his fishing nets, then there would not have been lives transformed. David was just a shepherd boy. Jochebed was just a worried mother. Esther was just an orphan. Peter was just a fisherman. All of them had to step outside their comfort zones for God to use them. Yes, God used common people to accomplish great things. But they had to be willing to step outside of what they were used to. Sometimes it went against the grain. David chose stones to kill a giant. Jochebed gave up her child to save his life. Esther disobeyed a law to spare the Jews. Peter changed his profession and his way of life to preach the gospel.

All of these things required God’s people to step outside the box (their comfort zones). If they had not been willing to step outside, their comfort zones would have eventually been crowded by their circumstances. These people decided to focus their faith on stepping outside, instead of focusing their faith on staying inside and hoping for change to pass them by. What are you going to do? If you want God to use your life in any way, you have to be willing to step outside. Chosen, called, children of God do not live in comfort zones. If you’re tired of sitting in the same place, think about where you are focusing your faith. God will use you when you step outside.


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