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The God Who Gives and Takes Away

Kendra Templeton

Matthew 13: 12-For whosever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Job 1:21-...the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

We know that God has the power to bless us, as well as take away from our lives as He sees fit. We often assume that God takes more from us than He gives. We may experience the loss of a family member, the betrayal of friends, feel the weight of financial trouble, or failing health. Sometimes it seems like God isn't being fair, because what we have lost becomes magnified in the grand scale of life. The blessings God has given become small compared to the trials we have gone through, and the removal of certain things or people in our lives. Although we don't understand, as I keep saying, God has a plan. When it appears God is taking away just about everything and everyone we hold dear, this is the time during which God is preparing us to receive His best for us. The people and places that God chooses to remove from our lives are for our own good. We don't realize this at first, but God is protecting us from the trouble that would have come without the removal of those seemingly good things. The initial pain we feel from the loss of something that is of this world, God will replace with something that is of Him.

The awesome thing about God is that He doesn't just take away, but He freely gives. If nothing else, He freely offers His mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Unfortunately, the circumstances that have us so focused on the taking away, will blind us to what God is doing behind the scenes. While we are grieving or complaining, God is working. God's blessings always outweigh the season of pruning in our lives. There will be a time when God is weeding out what we thought was good, so that He can replace it with something better. God digs in the dirt and sometimes pulls up the weeds that have grown around us, because He is tending our hearts. He is preparing our fields (lives) for the harvest (His blessings). If we are not careful, we focus on the weeds, and what we think is good for us, rather than acknowledging that God knows best. What God gives after the storm will be better than what we had before. The hardest part is trusting that there was a purpose for whatever God has taken away from us.

It is easy to praise God when everything is going our way, but it becomes much more difficult when life throws a curve in the road. Whether we believe it or not, His plans are always best. No matter what the circumstance, learn to praise both the God who gives, and the God who takes away. Chances are, He is replacing what He took from you with something much better than you could have ever imagined. Think about this: God is not limited by our imaginations. His ways are higher than our ways, and His blessings surpass anything we could ever dream of having. God may not restore at first, but He will at least give you the strength to bear the storm He has put you in. Take courage in knowing that God will not always take away, but He will restore and renew as He sees fit. His timing is perfect.

Trust in the power and providence of the God who gives and takes away.


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