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All Things for Good

Kendra Templeton

~Romans 8:28~And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

This verse was written twice within a week's time in my journal. I don't believe in coincidence. I believe God was trying to tell me something. There had to be a reason he dropped that verse in my heart. I think he was trying to reassure me that evil would not prevail, and that he would bring something good. So, now that I have found the faith to believe this verse, I want to make sure you believe it too.

Whether you believe it or not, God is working all things for good. Although you may not see, although you may not hear, God is ever present in the time of trouble. He won't leave you to fend for yourself. You may feel all alone, but I want you to know that you are never alone. It may be a struggle to believe through difficult situations that something good could actually come from all of that. But it's true. Not only was this fact stated in the New Testament, but you find proof of God's goodness in the Old Testament as well. We read countless stories of how God turned a bad situation into something greater. He can turn a mess into a blessing, and a hurt into healing. Whether in the Bible or in our own lives, we have seen the goodness of God at work. It may not be visible at first, and may not come right when we want it to, but God will work all things for good in his timing.

Joseph is just one example of how God turned a bad situation into something good. Jospeh's brothers were jealous of him because he was his father's favorite. They devised a plan to get rid of him. Instead of trying to work through their differences, the brothers sought a way to destroy Joseph. When the Ishmaelites rode by on their camels, Jospeh's brothers found the perfect opportunity to rid themselves of his presence without killing him. His brothers did wrong on many accounts. They first cast Jospeh into a pit. Then they sold him to strangers. Finally, they lied to their father, saying that Joseph was dead. Although Joseph's brothers sinned against him and their father, this became a turning point in Joseph's life. After being sold to the Ishmaelites, he was sold again to the Egyptians, and he was taken to Potiphar's house. From this point on, Joseph was exalted in Egypt. However, he still experienced downfalls. He was cast into prison, but eventually restored. Looking back on the events of his life, Joseph acknowledged the evil done by his brothers, but he also recognized that God lifted him up. Speaking to his brothers, Joseph said...

But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive (Genesis 50:20).

God used Joseph, the young boy sold out by his brothers (now appointed as ruler over Egypt), to save the people from 7 years of famine. Joseph had no idea that anything good could come out of his situation. But God knew. I am sure Joseph felt angry at, and betrayed by, his own flesh and blood. He was probably afraid of his new surroundings, and worried that he would never see his father again. I would say Joseph got homesick a time or two. Through all of this, God had a plan. Joseph felt the initial defeat, but God saw the final victory.

If you feel defeated, and you just can't understand what God is doing, hold on to Romans 8:28. I know how easy it can be to simply focus on the evil. You look at the situation in front of you: the lies, ridicule, doubt, and rejection. It stirs up anger in your heart. You begin to question God's plan for your life. I am here to remind you, you can KNOW for a fact all things work together for good to them that love God...Not just some things, but all things.

It won't be easy to see the good in the midst of the evil, but slowly, God will open your eyes. If we only knew what lay ahead of us, I don't think we would complain about our current trials quite as much. At the end of our lives, we will be grateful for the test that God turned into a testimony, the mess that God turned into a blessing, and the heartbreak that God turned into healing. He will not forsake us, and His plan is far greater than what we could ever imagine. If you have had evil done to you, your family, or friends, just remember it won't always be like it is now. Good always triumphs over evil. It won't be like the Hollywood endings where the good guy gets back at the bad guy. Vengeance is not ours to take. Leave that up to God, for He is a righteous judge. Don't try to take matters into your own hands prematurely. Choose to trust Him for the outcome. If you give it to God, He will work all things for good.


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