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Praise You In This Storm

Kendra Templeton

As I was driving to school this morning, the sunrise caught my eye. It was a beautiful display of pink and orange hues with a sprinkle of blue sky mixed in. The sun was a soft yellow peeking through the clouds. This wasn't the first sunrise I've ever seen, but I found a new beauty in the sunrise. I drove a little further and noticed a fog had settled over the grass. It was a white haze that only covered a small area. Beautiful. Finally, the pink and orange hues, along with the white, dissipated until there was only blue sky left. As I drove to school, listening to praise and worship music, I silently thanked God for his beautiful creation. I know I don't do that often enough, especially because of how busy life can be. Sometimes, it's hard to appreciate the beauty around you when all you see is the storm in front of you. You think the sun will never shine again, and all you see are the dark clouds looming above. But then God...

I titled this post "Praise You in the Storm," partly because it is the title of one of my favorite songs, but also because I think this is one of the hardest things for us to do as Christians. A literal storm can do a lot of damage. It can be as simple as a thunderstorm, and it can be as large as a tornado or hurricane. No matter what type of storm, you can still see the affects after the storm. Whether it's a lightning strike that breaks a tree in half, or a hurricane that covers a city in water, there is damage done. Evidence of the storm. It leaves a footprint on the lives of innocent people. For some, the damage is not as great. A thunderstorm is not going to leave as much damage as a hurricane. However, the storm affects different people in different ways. Some people are left destitute. Some will be broken. Some people become frightened at the mention of another storm. But some people will rebuild or reinvent themselves. Some people become stronger after the storm.

Spiritual storms are much like physical storms. They often come when you least expect them. Without warning, the storm comes and threatens to take away everything you know and love. Many times, the storm takes away your joy. But the storm doesn't necessarily take things from you. Sometimes it adds things you don't want in your life. Maybe the storm brings doubt and fear. Maybe the storm makes you question everything you have ever stood for. It brings bitterness and it adds discouragement. It leaves you feeling empty and broken. It adds contempt for those who have failed you, lied about you, and broken your trust. The storm of life beats against you and brings you low. You can't possibly stand against it. It feels like you're trapped in the rushing waves that threaten to pull you under. Bitterness consumes your heart and mind. Depression weighs you down. Anxiety grips your heart. Darkness covers any light. Fear holds you back. You feel like God has completely forgotten you. How could He still be with you, if He allowed something like this to happen? Surely, by now, He would have come to your rescue. All you want to do is give up, because no matter how much you pray or will the storm to pass, it doesn't. But then you hear a still, small voice that breaks the roar of thunder: "I'm with you."

Just like that, the storm is over. Light breaks through the clouds. The Master of the wind and the seas is walking on the water, straight toward you with His hands outstretched. He doesn't care that you haven't been yourself. He knows that there was damage done from the storm. He sees your brokenness, your bitterness, and your pain. Instead of berating you for how you failed to stand during the storm, Jesus reaches down and pulls you out of the ship. He might say to you, "O ye of little faith," but it's only because He wants you to trust Him. He wants you to know that you can walk on the water too. Instead of allowing the storm to become an endless abyss of pain and darkness, why don't you let go and let God? It's harder to raise your hands when your head is down. God can't help you when you've given up on yourself. The storm may have damaged your soul, but that doesn't mean you're too broken to fix. There is no hurt that God can't mend. There is no tear He can't dry, no sorrow He can't comfort, and no mistake too big that He can't erase it. When you feel like the storms of life have pulled you under, and you're drowning in the current, don't keep your head down. Look up, for that is where your help comes from. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. In fact, it's going to be the hardest thing you ever do in your life. To recover from the storm is no small feat.

It may seem impossible. You're asking yourself, "How could I ever praise Him in this storm? Is there even any hope in this situation? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?" The answer is yes. When God said He would never leave you, nor forsake you, that was a promise. You may have strayed from Him, and allowed the damage to get to you, but you are never too far that God's grace cannot reach you. It may be hard right now, but take some time to thank God for what you have, and what has been taken away. Thank Him for what he has done for you, and for what you're still waiting on. Thank God for who He is, but not who you think He should be. Thank God for the storm, even though you can't see the outcome. In time, you will understand what it was for. It may take days, weeks, months, or years, but you will find out the storm was not in vain. If anything, God could be using the storm to increase your faith. So when you're in the middle of the worst storm of your life, and you're already seeing the evidence/ damage from it, don't forget to look up. Take some time to praise Him in this storm.

And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.


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