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The Hurt and the Healer

Kendra Templeton

Sometimes in life, things don't go the way we want them to. When we cross the line of frustration that can be caused by situations out of our control, we have two choices we can make. The first is that we can become angry and bitter about what has happened, and take it out on others. We could easily find someone else to blame. Or we could possibly take the situation out on ourselves, and somehow blame ourselves for things that are happening around us. The other choice we could make is that we can become better and rise from the ashes of the situation in front of us. We can either allow the situation to make us better, or make us bitter.

It's a tough decision, especially when it involves someone you love. It could be someone who you were close to let you down, and now you can't seem to stop thinking about it. When things like this happen, your first thought is: What can I do to get back at them for the pain they have caused me? The answer is: nothing. Chances are, that person didn't mean to hurt anyone. Even if they did, that doesn't give you a right to revenge. It was just something that happened that could not be avoided. You couldn't control the situation, even if you tried. But I get it. You feel helpless and you want to do something about it. So what can you do? You may be pondering this in your heart right now. Which road are you going to take when you have been hurt?

Maybe it's time for you to let go and let God. Some things in this life are out of our control. But if it is something that has ultimately upset or hurt us, we know there is a healer of our souls. It probably won't be easy when you are still harboring resentment about a hurt in your life. The pain holds on and squeezes a little harder each time the memories resurface. But with God, all things are possible. When you feel the hurt begin to rise up within you, let the healer mend your heart.

If you had a pencil and you broke it in half, could you put it back together? Probably not, at least not exactly as it was before. But is the pencil useless once it is broken in half? Doesn't it still hold its shape and serve its purpose? If a pencil is broken in half, one part of it can still be used to write. If your heart is broken, it can still serve its purpose. It may not be fixed immediately, or even least not for a while. That doesn't mean your heart won't function. It is still beating inside your body. It is still pumping blood through your veins and giving you life. Sometimes it takes a great brokenness to produce a great healing. A pencil cannot be fixed to look exactly like it did before it was broken. But, unlike the pencil, your heart can be. This may sound silly but there is no remedy for healing a pencil (except maybe a little bit of tape). Thankfully, there is a heart healer who can fix things like they were never broken.

God specializes in mending broken pieces. He has been known to put broken things back together so well that no one would notice if not given a glimpse into the past. Allow Him to heal the hurt. It may dig deep and it may not get better at first, but if you continue to allow God to work on you, there will be a healing. Like a doctor who performs surgery will tell the patient to rest so that they can heal faster, God tells us to rest in His love so we can have a quick recovery. If we keep focusing on the hurt all the time, we cannot heal. For a bone in the body to heal, it takes time. Our heart will also take time to heal. Don't expect it to happen all at once. Be patient and rest in God's love, knowing that bitterness is not the solution to whatever situation you are facing. Before you destroy your life by holding onto the pain, let the hurt and the healer collide.

If you want to read more posts like this one, see: Choose Forgiveness.


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