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I Choose Jesus

Kendra Templeton

I've had lyrics to a song in my head for the past week. I could only think of the first line in a verse. I knew the tune of the song, but couldn't think of the chorus, title, or artist. It was literally driving me crazy. Here is the line I sang over and over: "I have searched to find the meaning of this life..." Those were the only words I fully remembered. As soon as I found the song (searching google with various lyrics) I realized why I needed to hear these words. Sometimes without realizing it, I choose material things over Jesus. The busyness of life often takes His place. After finding the full song, I realized I had been having questions and doubts that seemed to shake my faith. But He is the answer to every question, solution to every problem, and the calm to every storm. I know I need to get back to letting Jesus be #1 in my life. No matter what happens, I choose Jesus. Maybe you need to start putting Him first again in your life too. I encourage everyone to listen to this song (Youtube clip attached) because it explains why we should be choosing Him. He brings meaning to our lives. We don't have to be perfect, because He chose to love us even when we were unlovable. He chose to reach us when we were unreachable.

Here's the don't have to be perfect to be loved by a perfect God. But you are commanded to "love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Deuteronomy 6:5). He called us out of darkness into light. He chose us to be His servants. So, why do we choose our pastimes, our careers, friends/ family over him? I think sometimes we are afraid that choosing Jesus means we have to leave behind everything we hold so dear. In a way, that is what it means. The disciples left everything to follow Him. They didn't esteem anyone or anything as high as Jesus. They dropped everything, some of them their very livelihood, to follow Jesus. Maybe we need some more people who are willing to do more than what is expected of them. More than their reasonable service. It is reasonable for a Christian to go to church at least once a week, read their Bible, and pray (we may fail to do even this). But our definition of what we should do for Jesus seems to stop here. There is so much more, and we are all guilty of not wanting to go the extra mile. Choosing Jesus does not mean choosing a life of ease. It doesn't mean a life of popularity or material wealth. That doesn't mean God won't bless us...because He will. But it means wholly committing our hearts and lives to Jesus, no matter the cost, because he loved us enough to die for us. How much more, then, should we set out to do His work- lead more people to Jesus?

In life, there are many choices we have to make. Here are some of the things I want to choose on a daily basis, and have to constantly remind myself of. I would consider these decisions resolutions, because I am resolving to make positive choices every day. It may not always happen, but I have to remind myself of these truths. Sometimes it isn't enough to know the decisions we have to make. If we write them down or post them somewhere, we are more likely to follow them. Just like my to-do list helps me stick to a schedule and check off the items I complete, resolutions in writing help me see where I need to improve. I can go through and mentally check off which things I am doing right, and what I need to change. They fill me with a determination to push forward, both in the good times and especially in the bad times. Here are choices I want to make daily:

I will choose people and things that uplift, rather than tear down. I will choose joy over sorrow. I will choose to be an optimist, instead of a pessimist. I will choose peace over trouble. I will chose hope over doubt. I will choose FAITH over fear. I will choose light over darkness. I will choose to trust, instead of control. I will choose to serve over being served. I will choose to give, rather than receive. I will choose kindness over attitude. I will choose to speak life, and not death. I will choose grace to cover imperfection. I will choose to love, and not to hate. I will choose to fight for what I believe in, rather than give in to the pressures in the world. I will choose to be strong, but not rely on my own strength. I will choose to lay down my life for someone who gave me His. Most of all, I will choose Jesus...every minute of every day. Over and over again, I choose Jesus. All the other choices I make are based on that single decision to follow Christ. They are a product of the best decision I could have ever made. The foundation of my faith can be found in Jesus Christ, and his blood shed at Calvary. Nothing could ever take that away. So, when I want to choose less important things over Jesus, I will remember He who first chose me. Above all else, I choose Jesus, because He is the reason I am here today; He is the purpose and meaning in my life. I searched for answers elsewhere, but all along, the answer was right in front of me.

If you are searching for answers, and a meaning/ purpose for life, you might make choices you believe will satisfy this longing. But the truth is, nothing could ever fill the void in your life like my Jesus can. So, if you haven't already made that decision, I hope I gave you some good reasons to choose Jesus. You see, it isn't about becoming a perfect person and never making mistakes. He never promised it would be easy, but Jesus did promise that following Him would bring blessings in our lives.I encourage you to think about some of the choices I have made and see if any of them apply to your life. I am not saying you need to make the same choices I have. Each person is responsible for the decisions they make in their own life, so make it personal. What decisions could change your life for the better? Write them down or hide them in your heart. I hope and pray you make the best decision of all. I choose Jesus. What will you choose?

Before you go, please listen to this song. It is amazing!

"I Choose Jesus"-Moriah Peters

This decision will change your life!


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