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What You're Worth

Kendra Templeton

First of all, what is worth? There are a few definitions, but the one I want to use is from Merriam Webster's dictionary. Worth is defined as "a moral or personal value." For the purpose of this post, I will be covering both aspects.

Worth is a topic that is extremely relevant in today's society. Young and old alike are bombarded by society's standards of what makes a person "worth it." These images include super skinny blondes, a buff guy with at least one girl at his side, older people with facelifts and a tan. I don't see any value in people who try to make themselves something, or someone, they are not. People are becoming more and more unhappy with who they were made to be. There are so many Contemporary Christian songs with messages like "You're beautiful," "No matter what you've heard, this is what you're worth," and "You are beloved." I think it's great that Christian artists understand the importance of encouraging this generation that they are worth more than what the world has told them. However, it makes me sad to realize how much encouragement and support is needed, partly because of the downgraded, worthless characters portrayed by Hollywood. People, especially women, are viewed as objects rather than human beings with a heart and soul.

Let's take a minute and reflect on the characteristics we believe give something, or someone, VALUE. At first, we may consider appearance. That's not inherently wrong, because that's what we have been taught to see. Truth: There are beautiful people in the world. Lie: Outward appearance defines who you are. It may be difficult to re-define ourselves in terms of worth, and trying to figure out what that means. Of course, it holds a different definition according to the person. However, there is one version that everyone should agree on: the worth that Christ has given each person. We were all created in God's image; therefore, we should not allow society's standards of beauty to define us. We should not be subjects of society, allowing our minds to be invaded by the lies thrown at us. While writing this post, I am reminded of a song called "Worth." Here are some of the lyrics: "You thought I was worth saving, so you came and changed my life. You thought I was worth keeping, so you cleaned me up inside. You thought I was to die for, so you sacrificed your life. So I could be free. So I could be whole. So I could tell everyone I know."

Your appearance does not give you value. Your mistakes do not define you. Your character and your attitude toward Christ should shine so bright that there's no doubt where your confidence comes from. Your worth is not based on the facade of the world-the one that tells you how to look, act, and behave to receive recognition. You don't have to pattern your life like Hollywood to establish value for yourself. Be proud of who you are: a child of God. There's no greater way to explain worth than that. Jesus Christ thought you were worth so much that He died for you. Forget about everything else you've heard and just focus on that. Next time you start to feel down about yourself, like you can't make a difference in the world, look up. Remember who thought you were worth it all. If you are feeling worthless, I hope this post serves as a reminder that your self-value is more than you believe, and more than what you've heard.

*Psalm 139:14-I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.

*Proverbs 14:26-In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.


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